Hetzel Educational Consulting
Hetzel Educational Consulting
With you for the journey
Leveraging industry experience to give your student the best educational opportunity, spanning elementary years to college admissions and transfer
Brian Hetzel, M.Ed.
Hetzel Educational Consulting is a boutique educational planning and placement services company helping families and students find the best school for them. Brian has a wealth of experience working with independent schools and colleges. Brian is dedicated to finding the right fit for each of his clients in concert with managing expectations and opportunities throughout the entire admission process. In addition to an extensive background in this area, Brian's vast experiences and relationships allow him to best place students in schools based on individual needs, personal requirements and overall fit.

Educational Consulting
345 North Main Street
Suite 317
West Hartford, CT
Schedule a free introductory call here!
Have a conflict on the day the standard SSAT exam is being offered? Schedule a flex SSAT exam with Brian!
Stephen and Robin, parent
Robin and I can’t thank you enough for helping us and our son Max with his journey through the boarding school admissions process...We could not have done it without your undivided attention
Nöel, parent
Having you as a partner was like having a Sherpa while climbing Everest. We had a goal, but we needed expert guidance, a detailed plan, and support every step of the way. Brian helped us think through every eventuality and eventually reach the summit.
Adam, student
I wouldn’t have been given this opportunity to explore the boarding school world...if I didn’t have you as my family’s leader and mentor in the past few months